"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek,"

What's holding you back?

- Carl Jung

Vassie S.
Musician, Teacher & trader

I'm a musician, & love being free to create.  Trading was challenging because the thought of following strict rules made me feel constrained. Coach framed following my trading plan in such a way that suited me.  She opened my mind & changed my perspective.

I liked the idea of being in charge of money coming in, but detested the idea of following rules...

Ketta B.
former Nurse turned full-time trader

Each time I lost, I thought, "Lost a bunch of money again. Because I knew how to make gains, I didn't stop to think why and how I lost, when I lost. Meiling made me realize my self-sabotaging habits, and she taught me how to reprogram my mindset. Coaching has been life-changing." 

I was having wins, but couldn't hold on to my profits!



Jared J.
Military Veteran & trader

I thought that I had to have absolute confidence in the strategy in order to execute a trade. Meiling taught me that taking controlled risks & having an experimental mindset was the key to gaining confidence via competence. Investing in coaching was one of the best decisions I've ever made!

Even though I had gone through all the course videos, i still hadn't taken a trade!

Trashal M.
Proud grandma & trader

Meiling showed me what a difference it makes to focus & narrow down my watchlist! I didn't realize how the brain has preferences, and Meiling taught me how to optimize & leverage my brain for trading!

I had bought a couple of courses, but nothing seemed to be working...

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